As some around the world were celebrating Valentine’s Day, in Arizona we were commemorating our state’s 100th anniversary of becoming a state. Arizona is relatively young compared to the rest of the U.S., but there’s still a good deal of history that can be celebrated making it interesting to look back on how thing’s have
February 2012 Phoenix Real Estate Market Report
Good news…we are seeing prices moving up rapidly across much of the lower price ranges in our market while mid range prices are seeing a fair amount of stabilization. Bad news…the strong upward moving pricing is due to many months of a declining supply and increasing demand. This all bodes well for pricing and things
Coronado Historic District Home Tour 2012
There’s something genuinely beautiful about blending the old with the new in home design, maintaining the historic nature of something while giving it a contemporary or modern twist. This synthesis of old and new can be found throughout many of the historic districts we have here in Phoenix. If you have never had the pleasure
Das Has Tour in Tempe
Last weekend to visit the Das Has Tour in Tempe. Economical, simple technology and solutions for sustainable design and living. Das Haus is a traveling pavilion, a North American tour and an ONGOING INTERNATIONAL DIALOGUEabout advanced technologies for home construction and solar energy use. The purpose – to share German innovations that have achieved sustainable construction
January 2012 Phoenix Real Estate Market Report
No…that image is not a graph of plummeting home prices, it’s portraying what we’ve seen happen to our supply of homes over the last year, with levels down to shortages not seen since the boom in 2005. Extreme shortages like this with high levels of demand are likely to lead to some heavy pressure on
How soon can I buy a home after a (___________)?
A question many people ask or wonder about nowadays is “How long after a short sale/foreclosure/bankruptcy can I buy a home again”? One important thing to keep in mind is none of those things exclude you from buying a home again, it’s only qualifying for a new mortgage after those which you might find some
December 2011 Phoenix Real Estate Market Report
Those latest numbers can’t be right….Phoenix is supposed to be one of the worst real estate markets in the country right now with no end in sight. The average price per square foot is now 1.4% higher than it was 12 months ago for Maricopa County as a whole. This is what used to be
Short Sale Informational Seminar in Phoenix, AZ
If you or someone you know is thinking of selling your home, but owe more on your mortgage than your home is worth, a short sale might be a good option for you. Short sales can be a very complex, so learning more about the process, how to prepare, implications, and if it’s something that